They are backing a firm called EFW ( for energy, food, water) and instead of focusing only on energy startups, it is making long-term bets all along the value chain from small private firms with promising technology to large-scale projects. 投资重点并不是能源初创公司,而是在整个价值链进行长线投资,从拥有前景广阔的小规模技术型私营企业到大规模项目,都是这家公司投资的目标。
That sentiment was echoed by Andy karsner, of investment firm manifest energy. Manifest能源投资公司(ManifestEnergy)的安迪•卡斯纳对此表示赞同。
The firm has also installed solar panels on the rooftops of its buildings and is working on finding ways of taking advantage of renewable energy, such as using underground water as a coolant. 此外,这家公司在楼顶安装了太阳能电池板,同时致力于寻找其他利用可再生能源的方式,比如使用地下水作为冷却剂。
This time, the innovation is fracking, said Philip Verleger, president of an energy consulting firm and former director of the Office of Energy Policy in the Treasury Department. 这一次的革新是水力压裂技术,能源咨询公司董事长、前财政部(TreasuryDepartment)能源政策办公室(OfficeofEnergyPolicy)主任菲利普·弗莱杰(PhilipVerleger)说。
Formally the firm's chief financial officer, Good spent the year navigating Duke Energy ( DUK) through a difficult merger with Progress Energy. 作为前首席财务官,古德在过去一年带领杜克能源经历了与ProgressEnergy的艰难合并。
I have been firm in insisting that both health care reform and clean energy legislation cannot add to our deficit. 我在卫生保险改革和洁净能源的改革上不增加赤字的立场上坚如磐石。
The meal share is expected to decline as soybean oil prices are likely to remain firm along with energy futures and soybean meal has been the weaker product. 由于豆油期价可能会随能源价格而保持坚挺,因此豆粕份额预计会下降,豆粕始终处于疲软地位。
The conference further shows that the United Nations and the world to the development of solar energy firm determination, asked global common action, widely use of solar energy. 这次会议进一步表明了联合国和世界各国对开发太阳能的坚定决心,要求全球共同行动,广泛利用太阳能。
The firm connective tissue covered by mucous membrane that envelops the alveolar arches of the jaw and surrounds the bases of the teeth. Nutgrass can still be problematic because there is enough energy stored in the nut to allow young seedlings to puncture the mulch and emerge. 龈,牙床覆盖着粘膜的坚韧的连接组织,包裹颚上的弓形牙槽及牙根部莎草仍然是个难题,因为在坚硬的果实中储有足够能量使其幼苗穿透薄膜而生长。
His firm was able to invest in a company by offering it access to a renewable energy technology developed by a US company in which it held a stake. 他的公司得以通过向一家公司提供一种再生能源技术的方式进行投资,这种技术是由该公司持股的一家美国公司开发的。
Firm pressure on the Three Mile Point ( St36) immediately boosts the immune system with renewed energy. 坚定的三里点(36街)的压力立即以新的能量增强免疫系统。
PA consulting, a British firm, designs bespoke models to help its clients solve specific problems in areas as diverse as pharmaceuticals, fossil-fuel energy and the production of television shows. 英国咨询公司paconsulting为客户定做模拟软件以解决他们碰到的特别问题,涵盖的领域从医药业,燃料能源到电视节目的制作。
US firm says it will build China's largest solar energy plant. 美国公司称将在中国建立最大的太阳能工厂。
Fairmont, a firm advocate of sustainable energy, does buy Eco-Logo certified wind power in order to offset emissions from 837 of its front-desk computers, among a raft of creditable eco-initiatives, mostly relating to power from renewables. Fairmont酒店是可持续能源的坚定倡导者,的确购买了Eco-Logo认证风能,以抵消837台前台电脑产生的排放,此外还有一系列可信的生态措施,基本上与可再生能源有关。
This article describes the new ideas that the American firm UOP has proposed in recent years on the optimization of FCC flue gas energy recovering systems of refineries. 介绍了美国UOP公司近年来对炼油厂FCC烟气动力回收系统发展的新设想。
The solar panel brick is attached on the outer surface of building, is firm, reliable and waterproof, is not easy to be damaged and can receive solar energy to the most extent for power generation. 该太阳能电池板砖贴装在建筑物外表面上,牢固可靠,不进水,不易受损,并能够最大限度地接收太阳光能进行发电。
He said his firm would look for opportunities in sectors that were going through changes, such as media, financial services and energy, where new technologies have reduced costs. 他表示,他的公司将在那些正经历变革的行业寻找机会,例如媒体、金融服务和能源行业,在这些领域,新技术降低了成本。
The firm power, installed capacity, and energy output of hydroelectric power stations on the upstream of Changjiang River will be reduced while water diverted. 西线调水使调水河流水力发电权流转到受水河流,水资源的电能价值随两线调水在两地水电企业间进行了重新分配。
In a2006 study of Vietnam's power and gas markets, his consulting firm did not cite nuclear power as a financially viable energy source for Vietnam. 在2006年对越南能源和天然气市场的一项研究中,他所在的顾问公司并没有提到核能对于越南是一种经济上可行的能源。
Mr Blair is a firm believer in the need to develop nuclear energy. 布莱尔坚信需要开发核能。
I am a firm believer that you do what you do best, do it with energy and togetherness, do it nightly and take your chances. 我坚定地信奉一个准则:你必须做自己最擅长的事情,拿出你的能量和团队精神,日复一日,抓住机会。
Mobile phone operator Orange said on Tuesday it had teamed up with GotWind, a firm specializing in renewable energy, to produce a recharger powered by dance energy alone. 移动电话运营商Orange于本周二表示,他们已与一家可再生能源公司GotWind合作,即将推出一款仅用舞动能源就能充电的充电器。
GVK, the Indian infrastructure development firm, will construct airports in Java and Bali, while Adani, the energy group, will build a 270-km railway line and a coal terminal in southern Sumatra. 印度基建企业gvk将在爪哇和巴厘岛建设机场,能源集团adani将在苏门答腊岛南部修建一条270公里长的铁路和一个煤炭运输中枢。
Finally, it provides an example that illustrates its idea telling the core firm how to make a decision according to energy efficiency. 最后,举例说明了核心企业应该怎样根据能量效率进行决策的思想。
Secondly, it sets up the models which discuss optimal strategy for merging an upstream firm and a downstream firm, respectively, and gives the sufficient conditions for increasing energy efficiency. 接着,分别建立起并购上、下游企业的最优战略模型,并且给出了提高能量效率的充分条件;
Technology-based entrepreneurial cluster is a special form of firm cluster which has huge innovation energy and growth potential. 科技型创业企业集群是一种具有创新活力及成长潜力的集群形式。
Providing a firm and green supply of energy would become a major problem for the 21st century. 寻找高效率、持久的绿色能源是21世纪人们亟待解决的重大问题。